I have no idea what to blog now actually.Sight.
I guess I have to many stuffs need to blog.
And now I don't know how to start with.
Just like sometime you are not in good mood
But you just don't know how to say it out your feelings.
I wish to have a friend that could really understand me.
But it seem to be so hard:(
Start my study life almost 3 week d.
Time really pass so fast. I hope it pass fast.
Studying Pre U now. I have no choice.
Actually plan to go study at UTAR but they
Must and compulsory need us study 1 year of foundation.
Before you taking your diploma and it cost around 10000++.
Without lend loan. That's why I decided not to study there.
After that if I get to offer the course that I apply in local U
I will straight go in local U otherwise most probably I will study
My degree at UTAR Kampar. Really jealous to those people that
No need worry bout financial problem. Sight. What to do.
Life still need to go on and I will be strong to face those kind of problem.
And I am glad to make new friend. Start to close with them d. I love my class.
You know what. We got a lot of gangs there. And I got 2. HAHAHA.
Don't ask me to choose either 1. I will not choose. I don't know.
2 gang of friend are both important to me. Different type of friend.
1 gang is sampat gang! 1 gang is kepo gang!xD
QiQi. My new buddy. She is friendly and I don't know why
I love to chit chat with her. Just know each other for few days only
And now we seem to be so close dy. Awww.. Love it!:D
Chin Pei. Another girl who is close to me in class. She is damn hyper.;D
Feel nice to know you all. Hope we will stay together within the 1.5 year.;)
Yohoo..My holiday is coming.I want hang out with friends. Can't wait to hang out.
Stop here.
Have a great week ahead.
Good Night!;)
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